I remember a website, upc-online.org. It was a psionics site.

A couple years later, I went to see if it was there.

It is now a poultry organization's website.


I found that out a couple of months ago, but lately, I got kinda curious about whether or not KFC really tortures chickens.

I found somewhere (I don't remember where) a page that said that one of their suppliers did at least once, and they at least pretended to attempt to stop this. Well, that page had a link to this page - whaddaya know, I'm back at UPC.

By the time I found UPC(the psionics one) it was practically dead. The newest forums posts were almost all about a year old, and the chat room was full of weirdoes who clearly spent all of their time in that stupid place. *sigh* I even remember there was a seminar, and it turned out they had been looking at last year's calendar - there was no seminar, it was a false alarm.

Still, despite all that, I think it would be best if they were still around, because who knows if they had any archived stuff that would be useful.

I need to start practicing again.

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