Someday URLs will be given out for free

Something strange I've noticed lately is that as time goes on, things we once had to pay for are now free. Take email for example. When I got my second email, a yahoo email I still use today, there were three options. There was free, which had limited space and didn't work with Outlook. There were two that were a bit less limited; they had more space and could work with Outlook. But now, if you sign up for a Yahoo email, it's always free.

Also, my first email ever was an MSN. It was 2005 or 2006. As time went on, both of my emails' inboxes expanded, and my hotmail email went from automatically deleting after a month to automatically deleting after two months, and as far as I can tell, now it may not delete at all.

I suppose this is to be expected with something like the internet. As things get easier and companies get competitive, prices drop and then disappear. Of course, this means more of the dreaded advertising.

Someday, hopefully, I can have a full DeviantArt account without having to pay. Perhaps someday I will have a free URL to use as I please, and not have to worry about all this stupid "easy" stuff if I don't want to. Stand back. I know HTML. (that's from XKCD too)

There is so much free stuff now. Free software. Free blogs. Free email. If there's this much for free now, and so much less only a few years ago, who knows what it will be like in another five, ten, or fifteen years? That is, if the internet still exists after 12/21/2012 O.o

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