More religious stuff

So, I was reading this, and I know Yahoo Answers isn't really trustworthy, but there was a good answer, and it was a good question. Or more like many good questions. They're all about Christianity.

I like this part of the answer: "But by reading the Bible, we find that we are all evil, so we shouldn't persecute anyone."

My philosophy is that before you insult someone, to their face or otherwise, you should look in a mirror (figuratively, not literally) and decide if you really should be insulting people. A saying I like is, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I think it's from the Bible, a parable, to be more specific. Or maybe a gospel. Does it matter?

Anyways, someone sinned, they were going to stone them, but someone (Jesus?) said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Of course, I could be completely wrong about all of this.

I love that quote.

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