stupid obsessive catholics...

I was wondering what exactly Invader Zim was, so I looked it up on Wikipedia to get a general idea. As I suspected, it's a cartoon, but it doesn't appear to have run very long. According to the article, some Catholic group (like a magazine or something) said it was bad because it's "non-Catholic". Do they think they're the only ones on the earth or something?

The main thing I can think of that pertains to this is the fact that Catholics think they have the right to preach who should and shouldn't be able to marry in a country based on the ideas of equality for all and freedom. What the hell is wrong with these people? Yes, Catholic is the most popular religion in America, but most certainly not the only religion. Seriously, get with the program. We are past the days when ideas could be easily forced on others. We have entered into an age of each person choosing for themselves. Yes, I know you want to hold onto your traditions, but it should be illegal to try to force them onto the rest of us. This is why I prefer to not be associated with Catholicism.

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