I don't wanna go to church...

My mom made me go to church this morning. It didn't help that she woke me up when we had like ten minutes left, and that because of her I didn't get to sleep until one in the morning, and that the first thing she did was open the curtains. You'd think by now she'd have figured out that I get up the fastest when it's dark.

Anyways, at church the homily was significant. It's the only thing I listen to anymore. The priest was talking about how people in cities think the world will end on December 21 2012, and freak out to the point where they want to take their lives and their family's lives. I agree with the church's viewpoint on 12/21/12, but for different reasons. They say that the world ends when it ends, and when it does they'll go to heaven. Well, I'm not living to try to go to heaven, I'm living for life on Earth, because whether or not heaven exists is debatable, but life on earth, whether real or not, does matter. My opinion on death is that it happens when it happens and there's nothing we can do about it, so why worry? When I die, I'll find out if life after death exists, but until then there's no way to know for sure. Yeah, I believe in ghosts, but what I'm talking about is heaven and hell. I don't believe in hell because if God loves us enough to send his son to save us, then why would he let a place like that even exist?

Another thing brought up in the homily is gay marriage. According to the church, it's wrong. However, all my life, despite what anyone said I've supported gay marriage, not openly, but at least I support it. If two people are in love, it doesn't matter if they're gay or straight, they have the right to be officially married. What if gays ruled the world and didn't let straight people get married?...Exactly. We would be trying to change the laws about it too.

Speaking of gays, I'm bi, and there's a girl I like but she's Catholic. I know even if she did like me there's no way she'd show it.

At church, there was a baptism. I didn't clap, because another child forced into a religion is not a good thing. I know if I have children, I sure ain't forcing them to believe one thing or another, aside from that all people are equal.

Another thing about the church is that they don't say anything about equality for all. What I see when I see the church is a sexist religion, one in which men have more choices, and most people are urged to marry within the church so that they will have children and add to the church. WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM?!?!

I consider myself a monotheistic agnostic with similar beliefs to the Unitarian Universalists. I don't think there's a UU church in this small town but when I move out and have a choice in religion, I'm going to do a lot of research about churches like that. I like how they believe all people are equal, and let people figure out their own beliefs for themselves with only a few rules, and even include science! However, there are other interesting ones I've heard of...Freemasonry, Secular Humanism, Quaker, etc...chances are I'm not going to fit into any religion and just stay as a monotheistic agnostic.

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