
Lately I've been burning candles a lot. I have three candles. Two I got a long time ago, one is recent. The first I burned (I've only burned it twice) is from Wal*Mart, but I don't mind. It's a container candle, with three different shades of blue. I also have one I got at the coast guard store (it's like, a cheaper store for uniformed service people or something like that). It's a little strawberry candle, in a nice container I'm not going to try to explain. Maybe I'll put up a picture. It's just a weird container. The third is a pillar candle, again from Wal*Mart because in this town, our main store is Wal*Mart, it's either there or some overpriced little local shop with a tiny selection, or Safeway. Kinda sad, huh? Well, I also got a little holder for it, which is a good thing because one time a hole appeared in an edge, and wax dripped out, and then that part kinda collapsed. Well, it would have gotten on my new shelves under my loft bed, so it's good there was that plate thing there. If you've ever had to clean up dried candle wax, you'll know it's not easy to get it all off.

Anyways, lately I've been just lighting the pillar candle and turning off the lights and listening to music or playing The Sims 2 or something. It's surprisingly fun :D

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