Another Year Older Yesterday

It was my birthday yesterday.

I suppose, compared to other years, I didn't get much, but I don't have the words to say how significant some of the things I got were.

Let's start with the first two I opened: my little brothers'. Both wanted me to open theirs first, but since Gabe wasn't annoying me at the moment, I opened his. Kirby's Dream Land! I've been asking for that game for literally months, almost six months now. For an "easy" game it's kinda hard. I'm stuck.

Adam got me the I Can Has Cheezburger book, the first one. First thing after opening everything, I read the entire book in one sitting. It's short though. Then this morning I read it to Gabe. Well, now I've read the entire book twice. Of course, when I read it to Gabe, I skipped a couple I knew wouldn't interest him, and I left a word off of one of them, because that word was "dammit".

I got a bunch of stuff from my mom. I got the shirt I partly designed, partly copied. It looks like this:

Now if I get a hat, jean shorts, and black shoes I can cosplay! Not that there's any conventions in Southeast Alaska, but hey, if I'm ever in the Lower 48 while there's something going on...

Well, I also got an iPod Video. Yes, generation 5. I seem to be having trouble with the video part, but hopefully I'll get that fixed. I spent like an hour fixing my music collection so I could easily move it to my iPod. I am now listening to Get on the Bus, by virt, from Bound Together. I skipped to the last three songs because they're my favorites on the album.

Now I can give my 2nd gen. nano to my friend whose mp3 player just broke. The thing we both love the most is music, so I understand her pain. She's my closest friend even though I've only known her since the beginning of the school year.

Probably the funniest thing I got was something from my favorite aunt. I got this box with a picture of a silver bag with some kind of makeup in front of it, so I was hoping it wasn't make up. I was kinda disappointed when it was, but I couldn't figure out what it was exactly. My mom was recording me opening the presents, so she kept asking me what it was until I finally gave up and said, "I don't really know." I found what looked like a pencil sharpener inside. My mom tried putting some on her finger to see if it was lip gloss, but although it had a taste, it didn't really show up. So finally one of us (her) had the sense to look on the box, and on the back, it said it was some sort of write-on perfume. How odd. Well, I decided to put some on this morning when I decided to get dressed like half an hour ago at about noon. It's a lot nicer than normal perfume, all three are nice, fresh smells compared to most perfumes. I'm also wearing what I call the Saturnshirt.

Oh yeah, and I finally got a decent iTunes gift card. Still, only 25 dollars...will that even last that long considering my huge list of music I need to get?

Overall, once I got home from spending the afternoon at the dentist (check ups just happened to be this time of year, and the only time available was my birthday and since my mom works at the clinic's pharmacy, I didn't get home until she got off work) it was a nice night. Stroganoff for dinner, presents, cheesecake with raspberries...but oddly I didn't feel like abusing the fact that it was my birthday and ordering my brothers around. I probably should have, but I didn't feel like it.

Okay I really should eat lunch soon.

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