321 Mother

So a few days ago I found a link to this at Earthbound Central. Very interesting. I only got to finish it now.

I thought it was funny how she saw The Jacket and wanted to say "Who are you and what is your mission?!" but was too freaked out over The Jacket. It's a shame there's not much info on The Jacket.

What I though was interesting were these two parts:

"Americans always get jealous of Japan for all the game stuff they get, and yeah they have cool toys and stuff but I’m really impressed, after what I’ve seen, with the new level that Fangamer is taking this to. They really don’t have anything like it out there, just blatant copyright merch straight from Nintendo."

"...the response was so overwhelming that they thought it would only be a far-off dream for them to, sigh, actually get a Japanese copy of the MOTHER 3 handbook. They all said it made their own official guidebooks look pitiful. I felt it was really ironic. We are always the ones that drool over Japanese stuff. Perhaps we, unlike Nintendo of America, can make their dream come true?"

Something I find interesting is they type of people the Mother series attracts: weird, artsy people. People who take things into their own hands. People who love a good tale. People who love to celebrate all things odd. People who are clever hackers or translators. People who take things into their own hands.

It's incredible how much the fanbase accomplished. Just look at the Mother 3 translation. Not only did they need translators, but hax0rz (did I spell that right?). There is an internet radio for Mother fans. And you only need to glance at the art, music, and fanfics at starmen.net alone. Not that I particularly like starmen.net. But I don't think anywhere near as much would have been done without them. For a fan translation to happen, there must be some organization. Also, the only reason I started doing fanart was because I saw the incredible work there. It's nice how it's organized like that.

However, they're not perfect. The forums - where do I even begin??? Avoid them. Please. The starmen.net forum is unwelcoming and somewhat corrupted. And yet so much of what goes on at starmen.net happens there - something about that doesn't make sense. Like how people post comics there without submitting them to the main site - wtf? Why not add them to the collection so people later on can see them? Like, aren't there more Mani Mani Tales comics added on, but only in the forums? I'm confused. And I don't have time to search throughout that place to see everything. I don't have time in my life to even look at forums, let alone scour them for this sort of thing. I hardly have time for my art and piano anymore. My life feels like it's falling to pieces.

I desperately need balance in my life. Now I've been trying to become more social at school, I've found I'm less focused on other things. My algebra grade is way lower this quarter than last quarter, and I never remember to practice my flute. Now on top of homework and stuff, I have to worry about Christmas presents???

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